Folate-Rich Spinach, Kale and Berry Smoothie

Folate for Mental Health: 

O2 Living recipe - folate rich kale and spinach smoothie with Living Juice's organic Green VitalityThis month our O2 Living recipe's will feature fruits and veggies dense in vitamins and nutrients crucial to our mental health. This week our spinach, kale and berry smoothie is dense in folate (folic acid and vitamin B9). Studies have shown the increased intake of folate is associated with a lower risk of depression! Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale, fruits, nuts, beans and whole grains have high amounts of folate, or folic acid.



Combine spinach, banana, and strawberries in blender. Add in Living Juice's Green Vitality. Blend and enjoy! If you prefer a colder smoothie, you can freeze the banana or add ice when you blend! 

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